Through the craziness of last week, which included a 3rd week-long hospitalization at Children’s complete with an ambulance ride up there and an all-nighter, I ran with a little more spring in my step. Why? I was thinking about my goals for this year and into 2018. As my feet slap the pavement – tap,…



If I didn’t want this, it would be so (too) easy to take a LOT of days off. My training week starts on Monday. I knew this week had: 3 days x 12 mile doubles 18 mile long run 5x1000m repeats 10 miles with 10x100m surges/gear change practice 1 rest day You can see where…

Sub 20!

Sub 20!

I could not be happier with how this went! So I save you the scrolling, I finished the indoor 5k in 19:56. Congrats to Matt H, a high school XC teammate, who guessed 19:58, and a 2nd place guessing finish by Michelle, a TNC athlete, with her 19:53. Sara and I showing off our numbers…

Training Update – 66 miles/week and an upcoming 5k!

Training Update – 66 miles/week and an upcoming 5k!

Training has been going great! It helps that we have had a much-warmer-than-normal February. It has been sunny 35-45 degrees, and the snow has almost disappeared! I’ve been steadily increasing my mileage and intensity and last week hit 66 miles on 6 days. Jerry said that I can look forward to 100 mile weeks in…