I am so in love.
People told me that your definition of love changes when you have a child, but until I held her perfect little self in my arms for the first time, watching her every facial expression and pouring over every detail about her, I didn’t really know what they meant.
I do now.
I teared up when I held her. I still do every so often. She is so perfect. She is, far and away, the best thing that I have ever done or accomplished.
A few fun pictures:
The morning of the C-section. You can tell it’s early and we’re both tired |
At the hospital. One last check of baby to see if she is still breech. Yup! So off to the OR I go! |
And… it’s a GIRL!! |
Getting weighed. 5 pounds, 12 ounces! For some reason when I see this picture, I see Wallace Shawn. |
Nate says maybe Wallace Shawn just looks like a giant man-baby. Inconceivable! |
Getting measured. 18.5 inches long, head circumference 13.5 inches. |
Happy and healthy! For not even weighing 6 pounds, she still has a very healthy looking double chin and plump belly. Go, Greta! |
We’ve been so lucky to have so many visitors at the hospital. Here are Aunt Jessica (left) and Aunt Kristin (right), Nate’s sisters |
With Grandma Colleen! |
With Great Grandma Ann. Love her expression! |
My aunt and uncle. I like this picture because Greta’s sort of smiling in it 🙂 |
And of course, a visit from a COW!!!! This was awesome. The cow suits come out for “A” races, and she was definitely my “A” race for the year! |
Changing my first diaper |
The first of very, very many |
She has been such an easy and happy baby! She rarely cries (unless you’re changing a diaper or bathing her – that’s COLD!), and instead coo’s contently most of the day. This is in stark contrast to the baby boy next door, who is constantly crying or screaming. I know there are plenty of those days coming, but in the mean time I’m loving the fact she has been such a great baby!
Daddy’s girl! |
I am so happy to be able to raise her with Nate, and cannot wait for the adventures to come!