So these things have happened…

1. Mesa has taken to peeing and pooping in our workout room. To the point where I don’t know if I can workout there anymore. Glad my elliptical is in the main basement room.

2. Greta has taken to some sort of growth spurt. That translates to: eating a lot, and then pooping a lot. My new resolution is to do 10+ push-ups and 10+ sit-ups every time I change a diaper. Creative way to sneak more strength into the day, right?

Bath Time!
This is my “I’m sort of tired but still like to smile at everything” look

3. I gave Nate a checked-out library book for Valentines Day.

*Aside: the purchased copy was in the mail but not here yet, so I had to go to the library to check out the copy they have – we read that book every time we are there. So… I didn’t actually gift him a have-to-return-it-in-14-days book. But it was funny none-the-less.

4. My knee and SI joint are on the mend, finally. I went to the chiropractor on Monday which seemed to really help. Go-go-go-gadget HEAL NICHOLE!

5. Mesa has also taken to chewing her blankets in frustration. Is it because there’s a new adorable person in the house? Maybe. Is it because she hasn’t been run in a long time? Probably.

But, I have a sewing machine, and it looks like a blanket again!

Very blurry, but you get the point 🙂

6. I learned that the average life expectancy of a Vizsla is 9.15 years. So, every time I’m cleaning up poop in the workout room I think #everydayisamiracle

I cried when I learned this. I’d blame it on hormones, but it’s really just that I hate the fact that I might have to give her up at some point.

7. Taxes. I love doing them, but it’s a lot of receipts and paperwork. 940s and 941s? 1120s filing? Uf. Yes, my receipts were stored in a Brooks shoe box during the year.

Although, I’m writing this instead of continuing to work on taxes. I do love doing them, right? 🙂


8. Sign Language: We’ve started learning signs for Greta. I was going to print out flash cards, but then Nate reminded me that I could actually “buy” something online for less than $10 – probably less than the cost of paper/ink/my time. He’s so smart :).

So, I bought this 500 card deck. We don’t need 500 signs, but it was the same price as the 50 card deck. Plus, Nate treats a few deaf patients, so learning to sign will be good for everyone! I am someone that needs flashcards to learn, so I’m excited. (I swear, I graduated Summa Cum Laude… but guess that was because I made a LOT of flash cards. Ha)

9. Did I mention I’ve registered for an 8k race on the 22nd? Yikes… maybe all of these push-ups and sit-ups will help me? 🙂

10. Since I’m writing this in shifts, since I last posted #6, Mesa had her first seizure-like “episode”. Her right leg seized up when playing fetch. I wasn’t there to witness it, but glad Jessica was there to help her down and have her rest. After a nap she was her normal self! #everydayisamiracle

11. Email title: I’m IN! Email body: Don’t know why but I randomly went on your blog and read this! (A hidden gem of a post!)

The athlete’s email body goes on to explain more … but main point was that my last post/conversation with that athlete lit something in them to get after the little things, train smarter, and think ONE SHOT! 🙂

12. Midwest Dental Doctor’s meeting. No pictures of us, but it was so fun to get away as a couple while Grandma, Grandpa, and Jessica baby-sat for us. We talked with old friends, enjoyed an open bar, slept at the Radisson Blu, and enjoyed awesome food.

It was our first get-away as parents, and although it’s hard to say good-bye to Greta, it was SO nice just to have time with Nate.

13. My knee hasn’t hurt the last 2 runs! Plus it’s sunny and 50 degrees out! YAYYY!

All for now, folks. Have a wonderful, running filled week!

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