Pregnancy: Weeks 16-17

Weeks 16-17 marked a lot of physical and mental ups and downs.


Mon: Off. I’d been feeling sick the night before (bad enough heartburn that Nate ran to Walgreen’s for me) so decided to take and unscheduled rest day. Really, I think I was just unmotivated.

Tue: Very unmotivated today. I contemplated becoming a full-time coach and just giving up on the OTQ-post baby dream all together. Not kidding. Coaches don’t have to be fast, right? They just have to know how to MAKE people fast… and also know how to cheer/what to say, etc., right?

Nate and Craig got me out that evening, though, which was good. I did 2 miles of warm up with them and then they were off for a long tempo workout. I ran easy behind them, but started feeling more & more nauseous. My stomach was also cramping (and Mesa pulling on her Stunt Puppy leash was causing a little pain for the first time), so I walked/ran back home for a total of 4.25 miles.

I came back home and looked in the mirror and thought my stomach had doubled in size on the run. I was uncomfortable. Then the mental fight in my head started.

Are you just being a wuss? As Craig said, “Well, now you have an excuse to be.” Except I wonder if I’m allowing myself to take days off/walk-run/etc because I’m getting soft? I can tell I just don’t WANT it like I used to.

The other part of my brain DOES want it! Badly! I just have to think about bringing our first child to the start line of the Olympic Trials and all of a sudden, I want to be hard-core, dedicated, and structured as much as is humanly possible.

Today, though, the negative side of my brain totally overshadowed that old-Nichole positivity and drive. All-around, just not a good day :(.

Wed: Craig invited me out for a noon-hour run. I almost said “no” because of how things have been going, but then told myself I could just meet him/his work group and turn around if I wasn’t feeling good. Company is ALWAYS better than no company.

They were planning to do ~10k, so we ventured to the Carleton arb for some beautiful trail running. They split off back to work and I headed in the direction of home.

Except… I felt okay! Good, actually! So I decided to slip back into the arb on my way home.

There I just kept running, and running, and running 🙂

I made it 13 miles!!!!!! YESSSSS!!! It’s funny how one of my worst training days was followed up by one of my longest/best. Yeah, pregnancy!

This wasn’t on Chris’ plan for the day, so I’ll move other workouts around accordingly.

Thur:  A library book was due at the library, so that got me out the door. I ran with book in hand, library card in bra, and dog on my hips. Efficiency! The title of the book? Exercising Through Pregnancy :).

It’s a very helpful and science-based book, so I’m likely going to purchase a copy. (Plus, a used copy is only $4 shipped through Amazon!)

= 6 miles total

Fri: Our Friday Fun Run Group met, and we were lucky enough to have Caitlin Compton-Gregg join us!

What a fun group! A lot of laughter, good conversation, and one HECK of a workout. Oh, and some snazzy looking gear and arm warmers, eh? 🙂
It’s also fun that I’m starting to look a little pregnant!

I had to do a little bit of thinking to plan out this one: I had one athlete doing 3.5 miles (racing tomorrow), me + Will + Caitlin planning to do 8 (me with a workout in that), Amy doing 17, and Jeff + Craig + Nate doing 19. All at different paces :). Yikes!

The marathoners’ workout was 17-19 miles with 2 longer MP segments with 2×5 minutes at tempo mixed in. Not a workout for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.

I had 8 miles on my plan, with 2×2 miles “moderate” (I take that to mean just below or at threshold pace). It worked out GREAT – I did my 2×2 miles with Amy (her MP is exactly my moderate pace!), Will, and Caitlin. I wasn’t speedy by any means, but it was a GREAT workout & I was just happy to be out working hard! I think I did each 2 mile segment in about 15:30 or so.

Then I hopped on the bike to pace Amy the rest of the way. Wow, she has come a long way; it is so fun to see! Plus, she just has an awesome attitude :). Caitlin threw on her rollerskis, and Will ran back to work.

The guys rocked out their long workouts as well. It’s so motivating to be around this fun group!


6 easy miles planned. Also going to watch my cousin race in the 3k Steeplechase at MIAC’s! GO GUSTIES!


8 miles with “fluid” strides in the middle planned

Hopefully everything goes according to plan!

= ~45 miles for the week. Not bad for the rough start I had!

Life Updates:

We planted our garden last weekend! This year we didn’t plant any cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, or brussel sprouts as those didn’t grow at all last year.

Instead, this year we filled the beds with 2 kinds of summer squash, 2 kinds of winter squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, beans, carrots, peas, lettuce and beets.

Basil and cilantro are in pots indoors.

I can NOT wait!!

Coaching Updates:

Camp next weekend! YES!

120.6 at week 16 (+.6)
119.8 at week 17 (-.2)

So far I’m really not gaining anything, as you can see. I think I’ve just been able to do so much more this trimester that I’m just working off the “extra” I accumulated before getting pregnant and during the first trimester when I wasn’t feeling well/mileage was lower.

Plus, I have to say that food still just doesn’t taste the same, and when I do eat I become full really quickly. I’ll have to get better at small meals, often.

Nate is AFTER me about this. I don’t mind. It means he brings home an occasional donut or other treat for me. Yumm! 🙂 🙂

I have a feeling weight will start accumulating soon, though, since baby is definitely starting to show!!

Nate randomly brought home a potted flower for me last Thursday! *Love*

Motivation this week:

Photo credit:

Someone posted a picture of them relaxing in a hotel, watching TV, and resting their legs before the Fargo Marathon. For some reason, this picture made me just MISS racing. More than EVER. I’ve looked for motivation in all places this winter/spring, and haven’t been able to find something that struck the same cord as that picture. Weird.

A lot of memories and positive excitement rushed back to me. Plus, I think emotions are stronger since I won the race last year and it would be fun to defend my title this year.

I can not wait for a year (more?) from now when I’m hopefully doing this very same thing – resting up for “the big day” 🙂 🙂 🙂

Random keyword search of the week:
Busty Grandma’s on Pinterest
Had to end with something humorous. Have a great weekend!

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