Do not eat a full meal and drink pop before a tempo workout!

I couldn’t resist though — I came home hungry & my husband had a wonderful meal (spaghetti!) cooked for me. I had way too much, but I had only eaten breakfast… so eating a full meal felt wonderful.

Then, of course, I became really, really sleepy. Nothing like a big meal to do that to you! So, decided to crack open a diet coke. YUM. I know it’s not good, but I’ve really come to enjoy carbonation. Ice cold, too.

Then I proceed to waste time around the house. I know I have a tempo run, but if I waste enough time, maybe I won’t have to do it! Good thing I have Nate around, he reminded me it was dumb to keep putting off the workout… the more time wasted before the workout, the less of a Friday night I’d have. It’s already 8:00 at this point. Where did the day go??

Today’s workout: 4 miles at tempo (6:15) with warmup and cool down. We do a 2 mile warm up over to the high school. My stomach is SOO full. We start the tempo work. It’s amazing how good this pace feels now! I feel strong and smooth. After 1 mile, though, I could tell that it wasn’t going to be my lungs or legs holding me back. I have an awful all-around stomach ache. Grr, don’t let me eat and drink so much right before a run!! I made it through 2.75 miles, and then HAD to stop for the bathroom. Bummer. We started again after the pit-stop, another 1.25. We made this pretty quick : 5:57 pace for the last mile. Again, it feels pretty easy, which is a fun feeling.

Another bathroom stop after that, and then we made it a short cool down back to the house. Ug. My stomach felt upset for the rest of the evening. But, I did it!! Learned my lesson, that’s for sure.

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